Thursday, November 15, 2012

DC Unlimited & Batman Unlimited


Time to take a look at some of Mattel's future releases in 2013.  In stores very soon you will be seeing Mattel's newest toy line that will feature some of DC Comics popular characters.  These collection are called "DC Unlimted"  and "Batman Unlimited".  The good part about these sets is that they will be "unlimited" in the sense that we could get some characters in their classic looks or some of the new DCNU looks aswell.  Lets take a look at the first waves: 


DC Unlimited Wave 1

The first DC Unlimited wave consists of the DCNU Superman and Flash as well as a very cool looking DCNU Hawkman. The Superman and Flash are both the same figures that were suppose to be part of the  DC Universe All-Stars toy line that I think fizzled out after Mattel came up with the DC Unlimited game plan.  Superman was released in the All-Star wave but I am not sure that its continuing.  The Hawkman figure was feature at some of the comic con shows earlier this year.  I thinks its an improvement over the last Hawkman we had from the Wave 6 DC Universe Classics line. 

Batman Unlimited - Wave 1

The first Batman unlimited wave consists of the new DCNU Batman as well DCNU Batgirl and a Super Powers version of the Penguin.  Again, this Batman figure is also part of the DC Universe All Stars toy line. Comparing to the many previous DC Universe Classics Batman figures we saw over the last few years, I'm glad that Mattel has given us a new head sculpt instead of rehashing the same old pieces.  Unfortunately  Batgirl, for the most part, is a complete repaint.  The only difference being is her belt is a little sleeker.  That being said, I think this paint job is the coolest of the bunch.  Than the previous releases which you can see here.  The Penguin's body sculpt is exactly the same as the version released back in the DC Universe Classics wave 1 set back in 2008.  The head is new though.  Accessories are also the same, just painted differently.

Next up is some of the DC Unlimited and Batman Unlimited figures we'll be seeing in the near future.

Batman Unlimited - Injustice Batman

First we have a version of the Injustice Batman which will obviously be part of the Batman Unlimited line.  To be honest, I'm not very impressed with it.  I like that its a completely unique sculpt but it just doesn't work for me.

Batman Unlimited - Planet X Batman & Batmite

Another Batman Unlimted figure will be the Planet X Batman and a repainted Batmite figure.....another no buy for me.  It is a decent likeness from the comic but my bet is this will be a peg warmer. 


Batman Unlimited - Dark Knight Returns Batman

And the third Batman Unlimited figure will be from the VERY cool DC Comic book and recent DC animated movie Batman: Dark Knight Returns Part 1 & 2.  If you haven't see the movie (part 2 comes out in January), be sure to pick it up for Christmas. You won't be disappointed.  As far as this action figure goes.  It's a very good likeness of the older Batman in the movies.  I am happy with this action figure but I was hoping for some more villains.  Come on.  Were's Ra's, Talia, a new Scarecrow, Croc.  So many Batman characters that they can do instead....uhhhh.

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns - Watch this movie!

DC Unlimited - Wonder Woman
So far, the only DC Unlimited wave 2 figure that has been announced is the New 52 version of Wonder Woman.  It looks to be a similar, if not the same body sculpt as the DC Universe Classics Wave 4 version with the exception of the costume design over her chest and no belt.  The head sculpt appears to be a new sculpt and she is supporting a short sword instead of the axe and shield given with the DCUC action figure.  All in all not a bad looking figure and this gives you 4 of the 7 New 52 Justice League main members leaving us to wait for Green Lantern, Aquaman and Cyborg still.  Maybe they will be announced soon. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

SDCC 2012 - Mattel DC Club Infinite Earths announcements

There's a lot going on this weekend down at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con and Mattel had some new announcements with regards to their DC Universe action figures.  Mattel has announced the monthly action figures which Club Infinite Earth members will be getting over the next year.  So far, Mattel has already released  The Golden Age Flash - Jay Garrick, Metron and Atrocitus.  Here is the rest of the line up, the first 5 or so aren't new but hang tight:

So, we already know, that for July 2012 there will be two releases: 

 First will be the monthly figure - Starman complete with a 2nd head. 

As well as the Quarterly OVERSIZED action figure, Red Rocket.  Price for this action figure is going to be quite a bit higher than your standard monthly releases.  

Coming in August 2012:

Another Flash rogue makes the cut, Mirror Master.  Comes with a couple sweet looking guns. 

Coming in Sep 2012: 

One I've been waiting for - Black Mask.  Love seeing these new Batman villains coming in and it looks like we'll get a few accessories with him.  I wonder why they didn't just use them in the Batman Legacy toy line, which appears to be at an end as I have not seen anything new with regards to this line.  Anyway, on to the next month.

Coming in October 2012:

Another Batman villain Poison Ivy, she looks great but no acessories.  Like the green skin version. Officially, we knew she was coming but weren't sure what month her release was.  Now its official.

Now we get into the new announcements for the Club Infinite Earths action figures. 

Also the Quarterly OVERSIZED figure coming in October: 

Elasti-Girl complete with a mini-version.

Coming in November 2012: 

Uncle Sam with Dollarman & Constantine

Coming in December 2012:

Platinum and Tin.  Much like Poison Ivy, we've seen these figures already but weren't sure of their release.  Also to be released in Dec 2012 is:


Mattel also pointed out that  "pending a min number of subscribers", the Club Infinite Earths will continue in 2013.  Assuming Mattel gets the right number of subscriptions, we will see the following figures:

Coming in January 2013:

 Saint Walker

Coming in February 2013

Phantom Stranger

Coming in March 2013

Elongated Man

Coming in April 2013

Orange Lantern: Larfleeze which we did hear about and was suppose to be included in the DC Universe All-Stars series before Mattel rehashed the line up.  

Also coming in April - for subscription members only:

Monseiur Mallah.  Looks like Mattel borrowed a few pieces from Gorilla Grodd on this one.

 And finally, the last figure announced - Coming in May 2013:

The Flash (3) aka Wally West.  

That Covers the Club Infinite Earths news from the 2012 SDCC.  I will post later on about more DC action figures at the show such as the Movie Masters and more news Mattel has announced regarding future DC Universe toy lines, so be sure to check back.
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