Friday, January 14, 2011

DC Universe Classics - The Question

Time to backtrack a bit and fill in a few holes by getting to some reviews I have not had time for in the past.  Today, i'll take a look at Mattel's DC Universe Classics, Wave 11's, The Question which was, by the way,  the winning character of the 2008 ToyFare poll and released in early 2010.  Other characters in the poll were Huntress (who i would've rather had), Vixon, Starman (later released in wave 15), Catman and Ragman.  This was a very popular wave but not because of "The Question" being the peoples choice from a rather low level list of characters but mostly because of the very popular collect and connect character for this wave, Kilowog

Packaging from DCUC Wave 11 was old school.  The first 11 waves were basically the same as you can see below.  Mattel changed the DCUC packaging up a little after this wave was released by changing the graphics.  Packaging is not a big deal to me.  Its pretty but just gets tossed in the trash.

Fans of The Question should be generally happy with the final look of this action figure.  Overall, a very good likeness of the comic character. 

Those of you that are not a fan will just see this action figure as some dude without a face in a long
 coat....but if you're reading this, you're most likely a DC Comics fan at the very least and are aware of the character.

Up close, there is really not much special detail as the Question, has no face.  But the horseman have done a good job with regards to making it seem like The Question does have a face but its being covered up.  You can see indents where the eyes would be and nose and mouth. There is good detail work in trench coat, hat and jacket.  The inside suit jacket under his trench coat probably is the most flaw part of this action figure's design as it looks its sitting or it opens up a bit low on the torso.....  The Paint job is fairly clean with a decent color pallet. No complaints there. 

The are some similarities to The Question's Sculpt and Wave 10's The Joker as well as Wave 5's The Riddler and even Wave 8's Gentleman Ghost.  Mainly the Torso, arms, hands, legs and feet as far as re-used parts go.  The Question's main differences are obviously the head and long trench coat. 

The Question does lack a bit of articulation due to his sculpt.  Specifically the mid torso and hip joints we are use to with most DCUC action figures are hidden and restricted by The Question's trench coat and suit jacket.  The figure's leg movement is limited making posing this action figure in many different ways a bit hard.   I truly ran out of different ways to photograph this action figure as all the poses started looking exactly the same. 

There is not much else to mention quite honestly about The Question.  There are no additional accesories besides the left leg of the Collect and Connect action figure, Kilowog which to be quite honest is the main reason for purchasing this action figure. If you're going to give us an action figure with two open hands, then we would expect some sort of accessory to put in them, no?   

Sculpt - 7, Paint - 9, Articulation - 6, Accessories - 0, Fun - 5

Unless you are a big fan of The Question...or Kilowog, you're probably not going to be rushing out to buy this action figure.  It is a decent purchase and to finish Kilowog, well, that makes this buy totally worth it IMO.  Mattel has given us an action figure made of very good quality and sitting on ones shelf, looks pretty good with the rest of my DCUC collection.  The downside is once you pick it up The Question and start playing around with it, you'll realize its limitations very quickly.  It would have been cool if Mattel could have given us some accessories to make up for the lack of movement this figure provides us.

Mattel's DC Universe Classics "The Question" and other wave 11 action figures are not really available in the stores anymore but there are PLENTY of auctions on eBay where you can still get him at a reasonable price. 

To find Mattel's DC Universe Classics, The Question on eBay, click here

To find Mattel's DC Universe Classics Kilowog and the rest of the wave 11 on eBay, action figures, click here

Im still waiting on my DC Universe Classics Green Lantern wave 1 action figures...they are in the mail thankfully.  Hopefully soon so I can post a few reviews.  Be sure to sure to check back. 

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