Wednesday, January 28, 2009

DC Superheroes - Mongul

To find DC Universe Classics action figure by Mattel on eBay, click here

On to the second half of Mattel's Super Enemies Figure Pack from their DC Universe Classics 2 pack series. My last review was of the re-released Cyborg Superman so today I'll review the other figure from that 2 pack, Mongul.

Mongul is bigger than the standard DCUC or DCSH action figure. He is about the same height as Mattel's DC Superheroes Darkseid, 7 1/4 inches tall.

Mongul's face sculpt is very angry looking. Someone really ticked this guy off! The face is very well details with a lot of wrinkles. The body is thick and muscular. Mongul's hands and fee are huge.

There is also a lot of design work through out the body. His costume is very detailed. For an action figure which I didn't really care about, he's actually pretty cool looking.

Mongul does tower over DC Superheroes Superman. His fists are as big as Superman's head.

Mongul's paint job is also pretty good. The face is shaded with a darker yellowy brown. His eyes are bright red with black outlines and are painted on cleanly. Looking over the rest of his body, there really aren't any major painting flaws to speak of.

Articulation is not usually a problem with these Mattel action figures. Mongul has all the standard joints. Neck, shoulders, biceps, elbows, wrists, abdominal, waist, hips, thighs, knees and ankles. The hip joints are a little restricted because of Mongul's thick belt but unless you're going to be making him do the splits, you probably won't care.

Unfortunately, Mongul is one of those action figures that does not come with any accessories. He is big and bad and doesn't need any weapon to beat you to a bloody pulp.

Overall, Mongul was surprisingly a very cool looking figure. If it wasn't for Mattel's Toys R Us 2 packs, I probably would never have gotten this action figure but I'm glad I did. I actually like him a lot more than Cyborg Superman. Great sculpt and paint job once again.

Sculpt/Design - 9, Paint - 9.5, Accessories - 0, Articulation - 8.5, Fun - 8.5
Overall Score - 8.5/10

As mentioned, this figure is part of a Toys R Us exclusive 2 pack. But if your local Toys R Us does not carry these figures, there are plenty of options on eBay.
To find DC Universe Classics 2 Packs by Mattel on eBay, click here.

To find DC Superheroes/Universe Classics Mongul on eBay, click here.

I've got 3 of the 5 DC Universe Classics wave 6 figures being sent to Action Toy Review cental so hopefully I'll have reviews of them up soon. If there is time while I wait, I may go back and take a look at some of the older DC Superheroes figures which I have not yet reviewed.

So be sure to check back for more new, reviews and information regarding Mattel's DC Universe Classics and DC Superheroes toy lines.

Friday, January 23, 2009

DC Superheroes - Cyborg Superman

To find Mattel's DC Superheroes Cyborg Superman action figures on eBay, click here.

Probably the hardest DC Superheroes action figures to find was Cyborg Superman. The only place you could find him for the past year or two was on eBay and you were lucky if you could find him for under $50 loose and probably in the $80-$100 range still in his package. Well now for about $25-$35 bucks, Mattel has done us a favor and re-released Cyborg Superman in an exclusive Toys R Us DC Universe Classics 2-pack along with Mongul.

The 2-Pack packaging is nice and spacious for both Cyborg Supes who is packed together with Mongul. Strangely enough, the graphics on the inside of the package are the same as from DCUC wave 3 featuring pictures of Sinestro, Solomon Grundy, Green Lantern and others from that set. No pics of Cyborg Superman or Mongul.

The main thing I didn't like about Cyborg Superman is the super wide leg stance he has. This was a problem with a lot of the DC Superheroes action figures. But this one is almost to the point where he his feet don't sit flat on the ground when standing in a straight position. Aside from that, the sculpt is nice. Some of the complains about the DCSH Superman figure are still the same with this figure like the red colour is not bright enough, the cape is too long and there is no yellow "S" symbol on the cape.

There is some good detail in the cyborg body parts of this action figure. The head is also the best part of the sculpt. Great detail work there.

The paint job is hit and miss. There are areas on the costume, specifically in the blue where it looks like it can use a second coating. Specifically on his right knee and thigh and then again around under his left arm and tricep. The blue coloring just seems faded. Again, as mentioned before some may not agree with the shade of red used on this figure as it seems to be a bit darker than what the standard Superman costume would have.

Articulation on Cyborg Superman is the exact same as the regular DCSH Superman action figure. Joints in the neck, shoulders, biceps, elbows, wrists, abdominal, waist, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles. I'm gonna have to knock marks off however as the abdominal joint was very loose out of the box. Since the cape is so heavy and the joint is so loose, it just weighs back the joint and I cannot pose him in anyway bending forward.

Cyborg Supes does not come with any accessories what so ever. Not much more I can say on that topic.

Overall, we are lucky that Mattel has decided to re-release this action figure at a reasonable cost because it certainly is not worth the $80-$100 that most eBay sellers were asking for before the new 2 pack arrived. Ya, he's pretty cool but that's just asking too much. Anyway, the loose abdominal joint was a real pisser for me as well as the faded blue parts of his costume. Other than that, Cyborg Superman is a great sculpted action figure and will look good with your other DC Superheroes and DC Universe Classics collection.

Sculpt/Design - 8.5, Paint - 6, Accessories - 0, Articulation - 8, Fun - 8

Overall Score - 7/10

The re-released 2 Pack of Cyborg Superman and Mongul is a Toys R Us Exclusive. You can also find this 2 pack on eBay should your local store not carry them.

To find Mattel's DC Superheroes Cyborg Superman action figures on eBay, click here.

For my next review we'll take a look at the 2nd half of this 2 pack, Mongul. So be sure to check back for that and more news, reviews and other info relating to Mattel's DC Superheroes and DC Universe Classics action figures.

Friday, January 16, 2009

DC Universe Classics - Metallo

Rounding out Mattel's DC Universe wave 5, we come to the connect and collect figure Metallo.

Metallo is pretty cool looking and very big. He stands at 9 inches tall, definitely one of the taller C&C figures so far.

Metallo has plenty of detail including a lot of scuffs and battle scars though out his entire body. It is a good sculpt but he's a little slim around the abdominal and waist and his hands are huge.

The paint job is pretty good just like all the other Connect and Collect figures. He is for the most part a metal colour with some copper and blue mixed through out the body. The paint is all within the lines with no smudging or smears.

Metallo does not come with any accessories but his big "M" chest plate is removable to reveal a piece of Kryptonite (which is not removable).

Metallo is very articulate as expected. His joints include all the usual...neck, shoulders, biceps, elbows, wrists, abdominal, hips, thighs, knees and ankles. All very standard for Mattel. I think that Metallo's hands are big enough that Mattel could have added a few finger joints to the mix. But all in all, Metallo has all the joints that are needed for a well articulated action figure.

Overall, Metallo is a great looking connect and collect figure. He is really the main reason why i ended up buying the entire wave 5 set, despite not liking some of the characters and I was happy with my decision. Well worth the purchase.

Sculpt/Design - 8/10, Paint - 9/10, Accessories - 4/10, Articulation - 9/10, Fun - 9/10
Overall Score - 8.5/10
If you're just looking for this Metallo action figure and none of the other wave 5 action figures, you can sometimes find someone selling him on eBay. Usually in the $40-$50 range. So at that price you might want to consider actually just buying the entire set for $20 bucks more.
To find Mattel's DC Universe Classics Metallo on eBay, click here.

To find Mattel's DC Universe Classics wave 5 action figures on eBay, click here.
So that concludes my DCUC wave 5 review. Wave 6 is already out in stores and online and features Hawkman, Mullet hair Superman in his regular and black outfits, Dr. Impossible, Mr. Miracle, Captain Marvel, Killer Moth and the Connect and Collect figure is Kalibak.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

DC Universe Classics - Amazo

I'm finally getting around to finishing off my reviews of the DC Universe Classics wave 5 set. The last figure to be reviewed before I get to the Connect and Collect toy, is Amazo.

Here's a look at Amazo in the packaging (below). Pretty standard cardboard back with cool graphics and securely encased in a plastic bubble. I had a problem with Amazo's right out of the box. It appeared that his right ankle joint had been dropped in some sort of glue and it was stuck. I tried and tried to losen it and after partially mangling his foot, I decided to run it under hot water to soften the glue and I got a very thin knife to unjam the joint. That was very frustrating.

As far as the figure goes, comparing Amazo to other previous DCUC action figures, he has similar body parts to that of Batman from wave 1.

This Amazo figure looks very much like he does in the comics. His outfit is a tad on the lame side if you ask me for a super cool android who can beat the entire Justice League on his own. The two shades of green leotards and makes him look like a giant muscular leprechaun. I think I would probably have preferred the Justice League animated series android look a bit more.

Amazo's paint job is reasonable well done but really, there aren't any difficult areas to paint other than the eyes (which are fine). His outfit is basically light and dark green stripes which are painted on fairly clean, as is the Green Lantern ring on his hand.

Amazo does not come with any accessories other than the Collect and Connect piece of Metallo.

If you have any of the other DCUC figures, you'll know that the articulation is gonna be pretty good. Amazo's joints are fairly standard compared to other figures in this series. He has joints in his neck, shoulders, biceps, elbows, wrists, abdominal, waist, thighs, knees and ankles.

Overall, much like most of the other figures from DCUC wave 5, Amazo is a tad on the "been there, done that side". Maybe because most of the characters from this set are not really on any of my favorites list...except The Riddler. If you don't have a problem with Mattel re-using the same body parts for each of these action figures, then this won't be an issue for you. It does keep them all on the same scale. The head sculpt is a good likeness to the comics and other than the problem I had with his ankle, it is generally a good action figure.

Sculpt/Design - 7.5, Paint - 7.5, Accessories - 0, Articulation - 9, Fun - 8
Overall Score - 7/10

In case you didn't know, Amazo and the other action figures from DCUC wave 5 are all Walmart exclusives, so if your local Walmart does not carry this set, the best place to shop will be eBay.

To find Mattel's DC Universe Classics Amazo action figure on eBay, click here.

I've now gone over all 5 of the DCUC characters from the wave 5 set. Not my favorite set, that's for sure, like I said, mostly because of the character choices. One reason I did end up getting this entire set was for the Collect and Connect figure of Metallo. I thought it looked really cool and so I decided it would just be easier to get the entire set. So be sure to check back later in the week for my Metallo review and also come back on a regular basis for more news reviews and information about Mattel's DC Universe Classics and DC Superheroes action figures.